My Story...

Olly Barrett

Hi, I’m Olly, and I’ve been a writer since 2009 when my eldest daughter was just four. Back then, reading a book about a dog chewing on a bone was enough excitement for her. But, as she grew older, she wanted a more edge-of-your-seat adventure—something she could get her teeth into—so I began to write The Mouse Protectors.

It ticked the boxes of exploring the unknown and introduced her to a world that wasn’t all fairies and princesses. I still remember the look on her face after I read out the first chapter; she was hungry for more.


I love fictional stories that change the way you see life—the ones that make you look twice at things for years to come and still ask questions. We have all seen squirrels burying nuts, but what if they weren’t nuts at all? And what about cats—they can disappear for days at a time. Do you know where they go? Who puts plastic bags in trees so they flap around in the wind?

And why write about mice anyway—there are dozens of stories about them? Well, these books aren’t just about mice—far from it. You follow many different animals, some of which hold very important roles within this hidden world around us. All badgers, for example, uphold the law. They have been doing this for some two hundred years and are affectionately known as the Walturs, named after the first two officers, Wallis and Turner. They have recently teamed up with the red kites, a near extinct bird of prey which was reintroduced to the UK back in 1990. Sadly, they don’t have a fancy name to go by, just flying Walturs, and they glide around all day, patrolling from the sky.

Squirrels guard the post, pigeons deliver it, moles are undertakers, seagulls are finders, jackdaws are watchers, flies are messengers—I could go on, but I’m pretty sure you are building up a picture in your head.

Then you have the rats. Don’t get me wrong—they are not all bad—just most of them. They are vicious, too—fighting in large groups and bullying others to get what they want. But like all bullies, if you stand up to them, no matter their size, their scary persona soon unravels to reveal a weak, pathetic individual who is only pushed on by their cowardly group of friends.

I experienced relentless bullying in my school days, but sadly I was never brave enough to stand up to them. All these years later, I am a much stronger person and my experiences back then have helped me to write these books. Family and friends is what matters in life. As for the bullies—they are just the bad guys in my stories now, cut down and humiliated to expose their inner ugliness.

These stories are not pretty—they can be hard hitting in places with a moderate amount of violence to show the harshness of life in the struggle to survive. The further you read on, you will forget you are reading a story about animals and almost view the characters as friends. Do I have a favourite character—well of course I do, but I can’t tell you her name as that wouldn’t be fair on the others.

The first three books are closely linked, but all conclude their part of a bigger story. From book four, you have a different adventure each time, drawing you in to a surprisingly structured world which is right in front of us.

Current books


The Battle for Oak Ridge

Available now


The Escape from Waltur Tower

Available Now


The Vengeance of The Elder

Available 12 February 2024



November 2024

Kirsty Puddick

"An exciting, enthralling and epic adventure. A must read that teaches us bravery can come in all sizes..."

Amy Warner

“My whole family were transported by this action-packed animal adventure story. The story twists and turns through a lovingly-rendered vision of the Bedfordshire countryside, revealing a secret world of animals living among the fields and hedgerows, under the oblivious noses of us humans. An unforgettable story of friendship and adventure which gives you a mouse eye view of epic journeys, close shaves, and deadly battles. We can’t wait for the next instalment!”

J Betts

“I quickly grew to love the characters as they ventured through the story. I couldn't put the book down once the battle began - read twelve chapters straight! Now I know what they really are, mole hills make me sad when I see them. Hurry up with the next one - I've read this twice already!”

Peter Benjamin

“A must read! Entertaining and inspiring. The book takes the reader through a wonderful imaginary journey. It’s wholly gripping, with a powerful story of friendship and rivalry, with great twists and turns amongst our countryside animal-friends. A highly original and authentic read and I can’t wait for the next one in the series!”

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